Andres Anvelt – MPA, BA Law, FBINAA

Date of birth: 30/09/1969 Sex: male Marital status: married Children: one daughter Address: Pangapealse 8, Muraste küla, Harku municipality, Harjumaa county, 76905, Estonia Mobile phone: +372 524747 E-mail: Skype aadress: kartandres05 Facebook: andres anvelt


34 years of practical career in law enforcement, defence forces, government, private sector and international projects. Master of public administration and management, Bachelor of Law (equal to MD), graduated from FBI National Academy, Quantico, Virginia, with good skills in operational, financial and administrative management, also in international relations.


  • 2003 – Tallinn University of Technology, Master, public administration and management (MPA). Research: “The development and structure of criminal police in the future” Rate: excellent
  • 2000 – University of Tartu, Bachelor, lawyer (BA Law: equal to master’s degree) Research: “Organized crime as the negative public power” Rate: excellent
  • 1999 – University of Virginia, continuing education, 15 semester-hours, Criminal Justice Education
  • 1989 – Tallinn Milicia Academy, lawyer Cum laude
  • 1987 – Tallinn 21. Secondary School


  • 2007 – The Battle School of Defence Forces, Basic Course of Platoon leaders
  • 2007 – Ministry of Defence, The Highest Defence Courses
  • 2002 – FBI Academy, Policing in turbulent times
  • 2001 – E-Quality Leadership, Leadership and Management
  • 2000 – FBI Academy, Post Blast Investigations
  • 1999 – FBI Academy, law enforcement management 11-week course for the higher level law enforcement officers
  • 1999 – University of Virginia, continuing education, 15 semester-hours, Criminal Justice Education
  • 1999 – DEA academy, Contemporary Issues in Drug Law Enforcement
  • 1999 – EU Commission Falcone Program, Police agents and undercover operations
  • 1996 – FBI Academy, investigation tactics
  • 1995 – FBI Academy, organized crime and financial investigations
  • 1995 – SWEDINT, international policing, UN civpol training
  • 1994 – Scottish Police Training Center, practical English language
  • 1993 – Swedish Police University, interviewing and interrogation


  • 01/2020- present A.A. Consulting Ltd. CEO (legal and PR consultations)
  • 02/2019-03/2022 Senior Strategic Advisor, UNOPS (United Nations Office for Project Services) Ukraine office
  • 11/2016-11/2018 Minister of Internal Affairs, Government of Estonia
  • 03/2015 XIII Riigikogu (Estonian Parliament), Member of Parliament,
  • 03/2014 Minister of Justice, Government of Estonia
  • 03/2011 XII Riigikogu (Estonian Parliament) Member of Estonian Parliament – Chairman of the Anticorruption Commitee
  • 02/2007 Headquarters of the Estonian Defense Forces – Adviser to the chief of Defense. National security and international relations
  • 12/2004 Public Service Academy – Director, Deputy General Director of Police Operational, financial and administrative management, international and domestic cooperation, media relations.
  • 01/2001 09/2003 Central Criminal Police – Director, deputy director Operational (criminal intelligence), financial and administrative management, international and domestic cooperation, media relations
  • 07/1993 01/2001 Central Criminal Police – middle level management different levels of management. Real work experience as administrative manager started in 1996. From 1993 my experience belonged to the area of middle or lower-level operational managers, as senior detective, chief detective, and detective commissioner.
  • 10/1987 07/1993 criminal police – detective
  • 1987 until 1993 served the force as criminal police inspector – detective


  • 01/2020 – 03/2024 – Communication and PR company Powerhouse, cooperation partner
  • 10/2009 – 03/2011 – Member of the Tallinn City Council
  • 02/2005 – 08/2005 – Jordanian International Police Training Center – The head of Estonian contingent, Amman, Jordan
  • 12/2003 – 06/2006 – Member of the Governing Board of European Police College (CEPOL)
  • 06/2017-12/2017 President of the Council of Judicial and Home Affairs (Estonian Presidency of EU 2017)


Mother tongue: Estonian


Language: Writing / Speaking / Understanding English: excellent excellent excellent Russian: excellent excellent excellent Finnish: medium medium good


  • Round Table of Estonia (RTE club)
  • FBI National Academy Associates (FBINAA)
  • The Estonian Reserve Officers’ Association (EROK)
  • Estonian Writers Union


Candidate has a number of own publications in law magazines and also has published text-book for law enforcement academies (organized crime and criminal intelligence). Number of additional presentations during different international conferences has to be mentioned also. Candidate has worked as an adviser for different movie productions.

Candidate has been rewarded with different presidential, governmental and professional rewards as
    • Presidential Silver Eagle Cross – 2003
    • Police Cross of Merit – 1998
    • Police Silver Cross of Merit – 2001
    • Cross of Merit of the Defense League – 2003
    • Police Golden Cross of Merit – 2006
    • Excellent Service Medal of Defense Forces – 2009
    • Cross of Merit of Defense Forces – 2011
    • Police Mission Medal – 2015
    • Golden Cross of Merit of Ministry of Interior – 2018
    • e.t.c


Extreme hiking tours (f.e. Kilimanjaro peak 5895m, nov.2006)

Diving (Padi OWD)

Belletristic and scientific writing:

Publications: “Organized crime”, textbook for universities, Andres Anvelt, 2001 “Red Mercury”, novel, Andres Anvelt, Tallinn 2007 “Red mercury”, novel – Russian edition, Tallinn 2009 “Red Mercury” – scenario, Tallinn 2009 “Director. The story of Privatization of a market” , novel, Andres Anvelt, 2011 “Director. Ther story of privatization of a market” , novel, Russian edition, Tallinn 2013 “Traitor”, TV serial, EST-FIN, author